Overall the service from Feral Hosting is top-notch. They appear to be one of the most popular seedbox providers and that is for a reason.
Feral Hosting review – About the plan
400 GB of hard disk space, a 10Gbps download connection, 505Mbps upload connection and 2TB upload traffic. Check out all the Feral hosting plans here.
10 Gbps connection for downloading, 505 Mbps for uploading. The download speed is phenomenal, when there are plenty of seeds, the connection easily exceeds 100 MB/s and there are no complaints on this side. The upload speed is less impressive, but I’m not sure wether that’s because of the trackers being saturated with seeders or the connection. However, there is no problem with the upload because the seedbox is always on, files can just be left seeding.
Customer Service
I’ve had to deal with the support team on a few occasions. Once was when my old seedbox plan was being upgraded to a newer plan which faster speed and more space. The support were very friendly and as I say, they were giving me extra space and speed for the same price! The site also features a load of documents about setting up software on your server and other torrent related things which is really helpful.
The software choices for seedboxes are Deluge, rTorrent / ruTorrent, rTorrent / wTorrent or Transmission. I went for ruTorrent which I’m more than happy with. This is probably the best time to report about Ferals awesome customer back-end. It is a fully custom back-end that lets you install torrent clients, a VPN or MySQL on your box. I’ve never seen a better service from a seedbox host!

It also features a nice graph to show you your usage over time. Feral will not cut off your box if you exceed your space, they will simply warn you and ask you to reduce the space which is nice.
£10 a month which is reasonable for the service
Seedbox Guide Rating
Compare all Feral Hosting plans here.
Want to know more? Check out our seedbox comparison table to compare and find the best plan for you. If you’re worried about your safety whilst torrenting online, read our guide about staying anonymous online with the six strikes law. Also consider getting yourself a VPN!
Recommend Resources
- Seedbox Comparison Table - Seedbox Guide's comprehensive Seedbox Providers comparison tool.
- VPN Vendors List - Our most recommend VPN providers.
- Staying Anonymous Online with the six strikes law (Article)